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Aarhus Universitet
Åbogade 34
8200 Århus N
Aarhus Universitet
Hjemmeside: www.au.dk
28 aktuelle job hos Aarhus Universitet
Aarhus Universitet
Assistant professorship(s) in Management accounting and Financial accounting Assistant professorship(s) in Management accounting and Fi.. ©Job-Support
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for associate professorship positions in management accounting and financial accounting.
Publiceret den 13-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 15-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Associate professorship in Church History Associate professorship in Church History ©Job-Support
The School of Culture and Society invites applications for an associate professorship in church history at the Department of Theology. The associate professorship is a permanent position which begins on 01 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Publiceret den 13-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 03-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Center Administrator for Center for Contemporary Cultures of Text Center Administrator for Center for Contemporary Cultures .. ©Job-Support
The administrative officer (AC-fuldmægtig) position as Center Administrator begins oncor as soon as possible. The position is a fixed term full-time position from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2031.
Publiceret den 14-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 15-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Datamanager søges til Institut for Økonomi, Aarhus Universitet Datamanager søges til Institut for Økonomi, Aarhus Univers.. ©Job-Support
Institut for Økonomi søger en analytisk stærk datamanager, som har lyst til at arbejde med registerforskning og informationssikkerhed.
Publiceret den 09-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 06-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Dyrepasserelev ved Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet Dyrepasserelev ved Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet ©Job-Support
Er du passioneret omkring dyr og deres trivsel? Er du fascineret af, hvordan dyr fungerer, og kunne du tænke dig at lære mere om at passe og observere dyr i en forskningskontekst?
Publiceret den 24-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 20-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Forskningskonsulent til DPU, Aarhus Universitet Forskningskonsulent til DPU, Aarhus Universitet ©Job-Support
Kan du give forskere højt kvalificeret sparring på deres projekter, ideer og forskningsansøgninger? Kan du levere strategisk ledelsesinformation om forskning i pædagogik og uddannelse på højt niveau?
Publiceret den 13-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 06-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Forskningskoordinator til Institut for Byggeri og Bygningsdesign Forskningskoordinator til Institut for Byggeri og Bygnings.. ©Job-Support
Til en nyoprettet, fast stilling søger Institut for Byggeri og Bygningsdesign ved Aarhus Universitet en dygtig og erfaren Forskningskoordinator.
Publiceret den 23-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 02-03-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Full professor in experimental quantum physics Full professor in experimental quantum physics ©Job-Support
The Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a permanent full professor position in experimental quantum physics.
Publiceret den 26-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 31-01-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Full professorship(s) in Digital Technologies Full professorship(s) in Digital Technologies ©Job-Support
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for professorship positions in digital technologies.
Publiceret den 29-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 01-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Head of the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NAT) Head of the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Natura.. ©Job-Support
We are looking for a head of department and leader who can foster excellence, strategic advancement in research, education and talent development within the department
Publiceret den 27-12-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 10-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
HR System- og Datakonsulent til dataanalyser og digitale løsninger i Nat-Tech HR HR System- og Datakonsulent til dataanalyser og digitale l.. ©Job-Support
Vil du være med til at skabe fremtidens HR gennem dataanalyse, automatisering og digitale løsninger, og er du god til at omsætte data til strategisk indsigt? Så er det dig, vi leder efter!
Publiceret den 10-12-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 17-01-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Institutleder til Juridisk Institut på Aarhus Universitet Institutleder til Juridisk Institut på Aarhus Universitet ©Job-Support
Vil du stå i spidsen for et institut, der leverer forskning og uddannelse af højeste kvalitet? Har du sans for strategisk ledelse, og kan du bidrage til den fortsatte udvikling af kerneaktiviteterne?
Publiceret den 16-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 17-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
It-supportelev til Aarhus BSS It og Kommunikation It-supportelev til Aarhus BSS It og Kommunikation ©Job-Support
Har du et veludviklet servicegen og motiveres du af at yde support af høj kvalitet? Trives du i en stilling, hvor du bringer din udadvendte personlighed i spil og har en bred kontaktflade i hele organisationen? Så er det måske dig, vi søger!
Publiceret den 24-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 01-03-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Postdoc in cell biology Postdoc in cell biology ©Job-Support
The Department of Clinical Medicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Postdoc in the field of aquaporin water channels and bacterial infection
Publiceret den 07-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 03-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Postdocs for new European research project at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University Postdocs for new European research project at the Departme.. ©Job-Support
The Section for Electrical Energy Technology under the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Aarhus University invites applicants for a two-year postdoctoral position, offering applicants an exciting opportunity to join a research pro
Publiceret den 06-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 28-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Postdoctoral position in Marine Geophysics and Marine Geoarchaeology Postdoctoral position in Marine Geophysics and Marine Geoa.. ©Job-Support
The SeisLab Aarhus research group at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in marine geophysics and marine geoarchaeology.
Publiceret den 14-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 15-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Postdoctoral Position in Structural and Mechanistic Studies of Intraflagellar Transport, Denmark Postdoctoral Position in Structural and Mechanistic Studie.. ©Job-Support
We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on deciphering the molecular mechanisms of how eukaryotic cells construct cilia organelles through selective recognition and trafficking of cargo proteins.
Publiceret den 13-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 16-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Postdoctoral positions in Political Science Postdoctoral positions in Political Science ©Job-Support
The Department of Political Science at Aarhus University invites applications for two 2-year full-time postdoctoral researchers to join a research team studying whether and how we can design democratic advertisements that increase citizens’ democratic com
Publiceret den 21-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 31-01-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Professor at the Department of Public Health Professor at the Department of Public Health ©Job-Support
The Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University invites applications for one or more positions as professor in research fields of relevance for the Department of Public Health including research related to the four strategic research
Publiceret den 29-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 27-01-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Professor in marine ecosystem modelling Professor in marine ecosystem modelling ©Job-Support
Are you keen to advance our understanding of marine ecosystems through numerical modelling? The Department of Ecoscience at Aarhus University, Denmark, is pleased to invite applications for a permanent position as professor in this engaging and significan
Publiceret den 13-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 15-03-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Professor in surface science within physical chemistry Professor in surface science within physical chemistry ©Job-Support
Applications are invited for a position as full Professor in experimental physical chemistry within the field of surface science.
Publiceret den 29-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 15-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Remote Sensing Specialists with Expertise in LiDAR, AI, and Ecology Remote Sensing Specialists with Expertise in LiDAR, AI, an.. ©Job-Support
Are you interested in remote sensing and LiDAR and can you contribute to the development of the digital monitoring of nature? Then the Department of Ecoscience invites you to apply for tenure track researcher / senior researcher position.
Publiceret den 27-12-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 03-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Research assistant in archaeology (fixed-term contract) Research assistant in archaeology (fixed-term contract) ©Job-Support
The position is affiliated with the project Samfundsbrud og indførelsen af kristendommen i Danmarks senvikingetid.
Publiceret den 16-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 28-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Russekretær for Økonomi og Politik og Økonomi 2025 Russekretær for Økonomi og Politik og Økonomi 2025 ©Job-Support
Institut for Økonomi søger Økonomi- og Politik og Økonomistuderende til stillingerne som russekretærer ved rusarrangementet 2025.
Publiceret den 14-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 03-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Studentermedhjælpere søges - vær med til at styrke offentlig ledelse Studentermedhjælpere søges - vær med til at styrke offentl.. ©Job-Support
Kronprins Frederiks Center for Offentlig Ledelse søger 2-3 studentermedhjælpere. Vi søger studerende med interesse for ledelsesforskning til at medvirke til opgaver på forskningsprojekter og formidlingsaktiviteter.
Publiceret den 02-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 11-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Technical/scientific glassblower at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University Technical/scientific glassblower at the Department of Chem.. ©Job-Support
The Department of Chemistry is seeking applications for a position as technical/scientific glassblower. The position is situated in our workshops section and includes the development and maintenance of glassware for research and teaching.
Publiceret den 14-11-2024 Ansøgningsfrist den 15-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Tekniker til bygningsdrift - Health Bygningsservice, Aarhus Universitet Tekniker til bygningsdrift - Health Bygningsservice, Aarhu.. ©Job-Support
Til Bygningsservice ved Aarhus Universitet, Faculty of Health søges en tekniker - eventuelt med baggrund inden for et håndværksfag, ejendomsservicetekniker eller lignende uddannelse - til bygningsdriften med direkte reference til afdelingens driftschef.
Publiceret den 20-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 16-02-2025
Aarhus Universitet
Two Professor Positions in Biology, Department of Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark Two Professor Positions in Biology, Department of Biology,.. ©Job-Support
The positions are to be filled by June 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation.
Publiceret den 16-01-2025 Ansøgningsfrist den 21-02-2025
32 ledige job hos Gribskov Kommune
9 ledige job hos OK a.m.b.a.
2 ledige job hos Comby A/S
49 ledige job hos Herning Kommune
18 ledige job hos Odense Kommune
15 ledige job hos Thisted Kommune
93 ledige job hos Vejle Kommune
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